Students at two Ivy League schools have received emails that mention white genocide and Donald Trump.
At Princeton University on Saturday, a number of students received emails believed to be from a member of a white-supremacy group called the "White GeNOcide Project," The Daily Princetonian reported.
The email said Donald Trump understands that diversity threatens white people and that Princeton teaches "white students that they are immoral and contemptible if they don’t support White Genocide."
Steve Goode, a representative for the White GeNOcide Project, said the group is a grassroots movement, so they're unsure who sent the emails, but he said he does "agree with whoever sent them" and thanked them "for their activism," The Princetonian reported.
At Harvard, students received similar emails on October 2 with the subject line "Fight White Genocide — Vote Trump!" which was signed by Educators and Students Against White Genocide, The Harvard Crimson reported.
The email to Harvard students appears to be from the same group that sent the email to Princeton students. Dean of Harvard College Rakesh Khurana Harvard has asked university police to investigate the matter.
On the White GeNOcide Project's website, a similar appeal to oppose diversity has been made to members of the Harvard and Princeton, as well as a third school: Yale.
Students walk around the Princeton University campus. REUTERS/Eduardo Munoz
The group's site also hit back at Harvard's response to the emails by saying that "Dean Khurana’s response illustrates perfectly that you cannot have diversity and free speech."
It's unclear exactly why the white supremacy group targeted the Ivy League with its messaging, though certain schools within the elite group have been a hotbed for issues of racial discrimination and free speech.
Photographs of black professors at Harvard Law School were defaced last year. That sparked outrage on campus, and at Princeton students protested for the removal of Woodrow Wilson's name on campus, citing his ties to racism.
But perhaps racial tension has been most apparent at Yale, where protests over several perceived incidents of racial discrimination engulfed the campus and resulted in harsh scrutiny from outside sources.
Alan Dershowitz, a prominent Harvard Law School professor and famed defense lawyer, ripped into Yale students and called them tyrannical.
"I think the most important thing to point out is the double standard and the hypocrisy," Dershowitz told Business Insider in November 2015. "These are students who want safe spaces for themselves but not for others. They're prepared to spit on people going out of lectures."