Often, we overlook how much we already have because we’re so busy trying to get the things we want. Maybe you have some new set of seasonal clothes you want to buy, or maybe you need to stock your home supplies to survive another month. Whatever the reason, we don’t realize that we’re stocking more stuff than what we need.

We’ve only come to realize it when we’re doing general cleaning in the house. The moment we decide to clean our home, that’s the time we see the hidden set of boxes we use to store our old clothes and toys among other things. If you think there’s no more use of this stuff but don’t know what to do with them, it’s time to start selling them. In this way, you not only declutter your stuff but also earn some money!

Here are our top 4 ways to sell the extra stuff you have:

 Sell to friends, family, and co-workers

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When you finally decide to sell your stuff, we recommend that you start telling your plan to your family and friends. Why? It’s because you are assured that even if you don’t own these things anymore, they will take good care of them. You can trust them to take care of the things just like you do.  Also, they might be interested in buying your stuff, especially if they can help them in their everyday lives.

If you still have some stuff left, it’s time to reach out to your co-workers. But of course, before you do that, ensure you seek permission from your employer. Ask your boss if it’s allowed to sell items in your company. If it is, then go ahead. Your co-workers and colleagues might be interested in buying your stuff.

 Put up a garage sale

If you’ve already sold some of your items to your friends, co-workers, and family members and there are still a lot left, it’s time to put up a garage sale. Your neighbors would probably be interested in buying your stuff since most of them are home supplies that they can use in their homes.

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Furthermore, they’d be more comfortable buying items from someone they’ve known for a long time as a neighbor. That way, they’re assured that what they’re buying is reliable and of high-quality. They won’t have to worry about dealing with bogus or scam sellers too!

 Sell Your stuff online

If you think putting up a sale is too much work, there is no need to worry. We’ve got you covered! It’s time to take advantage of the Internet. Sell them online! If you enjoy browsing the Internet for hours, then online selling is perfect for you. It’s relatively easy to set up your virtual store in just a few clicks. Besides, there are several eCommerce websites already exist, which can help you maximize your profit.

If you have some crafts and jewelry with you, the best platform to sell them is through Etsy. Etsy is an eCommerce platform that specializes in jewelry and crafts. Most of the buyers and sellers here are mothers who are fond of jewelry and crafts.

If you have some clothes, books, and furniture, among other things, the best platform to sell them is through Amazon or eBay depending on your preference). Both platforms offer a great opportunity to make sales. What’s more, these platforms provide protection against bogus buyers since they require a customer to have an account.

Also, Amazon FBA offers a service where they will take care of everything on your seller platform. All you have to do is ship your items and let Amazon handle your sales.

Donate what remains

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If you still have some used items left with you, it may be the perfect time to start giving them away. There are several donation agencies you can go into to donate your items. You’ve already earned some money from selling, right? We think it wouldn’t hurt you so much to give the extra items to those who are in need ????